Technical bits anyone?
If anybody is interested on the technical stuff that goes one as the site grows, I keep another Bratabase Dev blog on the dev's site.
This last one is about the change we made from 2 to 3 servers now to run the site.
Now we run on 3 servers| Bratabase for developers
Filed under Bratabase
Wow! As a programmer I have to thank you several times! Don't know yet what I'd use the API for, but awesome awesome- I didn't know about it previously.
The API was announced here:
You could use it in case you need a comprehensive list of bra brands, models, and size ranges. Also to check for similar models programatically in case you want to make another app with the site's information.
Another great use for the API is so you can carry your bra information with you to other sites http://bratabase-connect.herokuapp.com/
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