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*grumble grumble* » All bra adventures

*grumble grumble*

Bravissimo's house brand was recommended to me by a couple of Bratabasers, and I want to order from them, but they don't take Paypal apparently, and I don't have a credit card, so I'd have to buy a prepaid one. With their prices where they are and the Canadian dollar tanking as it is, I'd have to get a $100 one and that would only get me one bra from their house brand and since there isn't another darned bra on there to add up to under $100 I might as well get a pair of matching shorts, but mother of ducks, I just can't justify spending that kind of money on ONE set of undies. *slumps*

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jan 22, 2014 Flag this


  • That's frustrating. Is there anyone that could buy one or two for you and you pay them cash? Or would it be possible to get a debit card through your bank?

    Also, if you have a style you were interested in, make an ebay alert for it so you could possibly get it cheaper.

  • You could try buying some of Pepperberry's on sale clothes! I can't justify spending that much on underwear either...

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