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I can't find features. HALP. » All bra adventures


I can't find features. HALP.

Two features that I've tried to find that I Know are here: comparisons and search user. I've tried to search a user I started talking to on reddit, and I typed her username into search and it didn't come up. Is there a way to search users that I'm not aware of? Like, besides going to a listing of theirs? Or is that not a thing for privacy/creeping reasons like searching by size?
Also, comparisons. I feel like these are way underrated. They could be so so useful if they were more popular. I stumbled upon one from here trying to look up reviews of a bra and it helped me a lot. Is there a way to get to a comparisons page? I can't find it in the menu or by search bar. I know there's a way to, I just can't find it :( More users should do comparisons; they would help newbies out a lot for ones that "everyone knows" like CK Thrill Me /Tease Me, and would help everyone with less common ones (Masquerade Courtesan/Lula Mae). How do I get to comparisons?
Sorry for making this post probably longer than it should have been!

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on Jan 28, 2014 Flag this


  • Ok, by googling it I found the page for comparisons:
    But how do I get there within the site?

  • If you want to compare some bras, go to the page of the specific bra and click on the size you'd like to compare. Under the box on the left of the page where the measurements for the bra are listed, there is a button that says "compare this bra." Click on that and it tells you to select another bra/size and when you've selected the bras you'd like you can click "ready to compare."

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