Got a few Urkye tops I'd like to sell in 40 oo/ooo - 42 oo/ooo
I got a huge haul from Urkye and everything fits, but not every color is to my taste and I kind of went over board. Since shipping back is the cost of a shirt, I'd prefer to sell them but if I must I will either keep them or ship them back. All tops are brand new, with tags.
Here's what I have:
*Kopertówka malinowa; Waist size: 40; Bust size: oo/ooo | 79,00 zł (Thought this was red, but it's like a magenta or hot pink)
*Twister piaskowy; Waist size: 42; Bust size: oo/ooo | 75,00 zł
(Just a little too big in the waist for my preference, and I'm not sure about the twist in the back)
RESERVED - *Dwulicowa żółta tuba; Waist size: 40; Bust size: oo/ooo | 49,00 zł - (Type of yellow just didn't suit me)
*Dwulicowa piaskowa tuba; Waist size: 40; Bust size: oo/ooo | 60,00 zł (Just a bit plain on me and I've already got a ton of other Tuba tops)
Let me know, preferably in a week. Prices are what I paid for them, it was copied/pasted from my invoice, but most of it is about $15 + a piece shipping. I will take Paypal.
alisa tagging you also because I think you are this size?
These tops are super stretchy and can fit lots of shapes and sizes within about two sizes up or down, as long as you have the bust for it. Here is the size chart: (use the one for elastic fabrics)
Filed under Clothes
Where are you located? I look ace in yellow :)
I am in the U.S. =)
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