Article on the technical aspects of bra-ology
In our discussions of bra building, cake_mimic posted a wikipedia article that was very useful. Linked to that article was this one about some of the science (or lack of science) behind bra manufacturing. Note that the article was written in 2003! And yet so little has changed.
The wikipedia article is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brassiere_measurements
What I don't understand is the concept of vanity sizing that so many articles repeat. Adding 4 inches to a band and saying I wear a 36 or 38 instead of my real size of 32 is vanity??? Sure, lady, you think you're small around the middle but you're really a chunk. NOW I feel pretty!
And for fun: an attempt in 1964 to get it right!
Jessica Seigel -- Print
I still don't understand how I fell for it. I really don't. I hate mass production. I think it's evil in so many ways. It wrecks our fantasy, it wrecks creativity, it fills the planet with so much garbage.
How come I thought bra fitting would make sense? I know mass production doesn't make garments that fit. I should have known better.
But I fell for the marketing. And why did I?
Because the bra fitting guides tell you one thing and one thing only; you are wrong! We know how to make you better!
"80% of the women is wearing the wrong size bra".
What they really are saying is this:
"You suck. You don't know your body. We do! You need to change so we will make you feel crap about yourself to make you feel better. That way you will think we were helpful. You will tell your friends about the help you got from us. You will tell your success story and make your friends feel bad about themselves too so that they will buy into the same story you just bought into."
The blaming language in bra fitting makes us want to do it right.
I had a friend that worked on a make up chain. The students on their school were taught to always say something bad about the customer. That's how to sell.
I am now on a detox. From now on no blaming. Ever.
You are never ever wrong for whatever bra you are wearing and the people that will make you feel bad about yourself are not nice.
If I could go bra-free, I would. But I would have two black eyes.
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