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What does similar cut mean on Bratabase? » All bra adventures

What does similar cut mean on Bratabase?

Just a quick question since I'm on my phone and its been bugging me. Some bras say they have the same cut but aren't apparently the same style? When I look at the bras they all appear totally different. Does this mean the same cut at the top of the cup or are there any other similarities like seams?

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on Mar 29, 2014 Flag this


  • Unfortunately, the "same cut" feature on Bratabase is not reliable. At some point someone added a whole bunch of "same cuts" that are not correct, and it would take an age for one person to go through and fix them all. I do fix them when I come across them and know they are incorrect, but I am sure there are many out there that I cannot identify.

    What "same cut" properly means is that one style is cut - the pieces, that is, are cut- the same as another, so it should in theory fit the same way. However, not only are these "same cut" lists usually incorrect, but even if two bras were cut the same, the fabrics do make a difference in how a bra fits. Some fabrics have more give than others, and also, some fabrics will "slip" more under a sewing machine foot.

    Anyway, I would take "same cut" to mean "similar" at best.

  • I understand :) It's what I had hoped it was but I know you're right about even just a different color fabric making a difference. It socks there's a bunch of incorrect ones, I guess I should try to watch out for those too. Thanks so much! It was turning me off some bras where I didn't want the same cut.

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