Dec 12, 2012 - Boobs different size, how to rank the fitting of a bra?
I have a slight problem now. I have my left boob bigger than the right one. This is very comical because not long ago I commented one fitting help-request and didn´t realise this is a common problem. And that I have it as well! Oh dear.
The problem: How do I rank my bras here, wether they fit or not? Do I judge them on the basis of left=bigger boob or right=smaller one?
The size difference is not big and that explains why I didn´t even remember this thing. During all those years in ill-fitting bras it really wasn´t something I´d notice. Personally I think I prefer to match the bras to my smaller boob, because the spillage is not so much. If I matched to my bigger boob then there would be gapping in the smaller one and I wouldn´t like that. There aren´t any pockets for filling in my bras either...
Filed under Bra sizing and fit
All women have one breast larger than the other. I, personally and I know most women as well, would fit the larger breast. It's usually a cup size of a difference and fitting the smaller one can be uncomfortable or bothersome. If the spillage that is created by filling the smaller one isn't that large and you aren't constantly putting it back in its cup, then do what you prefer. But if it's a constant bother and you're needing to adjust the larger breast multiple times a day, then I suggest fitting that breast. The difference between cup sizes isn't large and there might only be a minimal gaping in the smaller cup. Again, it's all up to preference.
Thanks for comment. I realise it´s up to me which system I prefer but do you know if there is any guideline for Bratabase? If I add a bra and say it fits me, and it really fits just the smaller boob, is that okay? Or should I mark only those bras which are good for the bigger boob, "fits"?
Is it up to me as well? No "rules" about that one? :)
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