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EM CHP? » All bra adventures



So, I'm sort of in love with EM's CHP style, though I've never tried it. They do a lot of really neat colourways for just that style. I'm terribly curious about something though... They list it as only going up to a certain size, even for custom sewing, and yet there are some shots of their bustiest model wearing it. Do they sister size her in like there's no tomorrow? Do they make one just for her to model? Do the cups actually run quite large? What's going on there?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 14, 2014 Flag this


  • Isn't it that sometimes they make them in the S or PL styles, which have a wider range?

  • I hear they initially make wider size range but when they run out of fabric, they cannot make them anymore. Could this be the reason?

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