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Body image, etc. » All bra adventures


Body image, etc.

I've had a bad day. My breasts are very slightly tuberous and I just hate the way they look without a bra. I've always felt at least disappointed in their appearance, but haven't actively hated them for awhile. Today I was looking at before and after pictures of augmentation, and went down the Internet rabbit hole of self-loathing. I suppose what started it was a visit to my favorite local bra boutique. I pointed to the gaps in the outside corners of a bra I was trying on. The fitter said, "don't worry about that! You aren't alone. Women lose breast mass in that area when they age". I liked my fitter, but it made me self conscious. I'm in my twenties and never had kids. My breasts already look like they're aging?

I started researching surgical options. It's horribly depressing. It's prohibitively expensive, involves getting implants (I've never been interested in changing their size), and the results aren't always an improvement. Plus my significant other doesn't find implants attractive. He would never discourage me from pursuing this, but I worry about how it would affect our relationship.

And then I think why bother? I couldn't possibly afford it anyway. But I'm so sad wearing my beautiful panache Andorra, that does nothing but emphasize my insecurities. I took it off even though I had no reason to leave the house. It just made me too sad too see the natural shape under a t shirt.

Not sure why I'm posting this here. This community has been so positive. But what can I do? It's getting harder to find bras that fit and to stay positive in my mind.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jun 08, 2014 Flag this


  • I can empathize with you,I have many body insecurities,one being my boobs.I've thought about surgery myself.But due to finances and other reason,probably wouldn't be able to do for another 10 years,which may be best as since I'm 20 and boobs tend to change a lot and often grow into 30's,but isn't so great for my self esteem.So I'm trying some other things,one being exercise,like weight lifting,many ladies have had positive results with it.If you have not tried this before,it may be worth researching to see what results people get,of course,everyone's body is different and responds differently to exercise but since you are interested in changing the shape but not size,this might be something that would work for you.

  • I imagine that would be worth a try, but I'm very skeptical that it would improve my shape much. I have almost no tissue below the nipple. I would do anything to just have a curve there instead of nothing. My boobs just look saggy. But it's like you said. Things could change within the next 10 years or so, so I'd be worth it to wait. Right?

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