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Rant about mother who doesn't understand » All bra adventures


Rant about mother who doesn't understand

My mom said no more online orders. We've only made two, and returned nearly everything. It's too much hassle for her. Cuz ya know, driving an hour and a half hoping you find something in your size, knowing if you do it will likely be too expensive isn't a hassle.

She really wants me to wear this cursed Genie bra all the time, and sister size several band sizes so I can go back to Walmart bras. She cares more about money than me being in pain 24/7 and can't be reasoned with.

Just needed to get this off my chest.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jun 20, 2014 Flag this


  • I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. Parents aren't easily reasoned with sometime. *hugs* just remember that this is only temporary!

  • I'm so sorry. How old are you? Can you get a summer job to pay for your purchases? If your mom so badly wants you to go back to Wal-Mart bras, is she prepared to alter them for you or show you how to do it?

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