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Aug 21, 2012 » All bra adventures


Aug 21, 2012

Trying to find a size, I've given up on it. Trying to find bras that fits, I've given up on that too. Sometimes I do think that fitting advise on bras caters to young women with not that much flesh on them.

Bra fitting for a 39 year old fat woman who's been wearing the wrong bras all her life is another story completely.

Bra nightmares wrote the best post about bra fitting for the overweight.

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Shared on Aug 21, 2012 Flag this

  • Even though our situations are different, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what you are saying. It also applies to any of us who aren't "standard". Oh sure, they pay lip service to us sometimes by giving suggestions for "narrow shoulders" or "high set", but if you're narrow-shouldered AND high set, you might as well pack up your toys and go home. And if you've got three or four of those different "fit issues"....fuhgeddaboudit. People talk about the confidence you find when you find the right bra that gives the perfect shape and lift and whatever, but for me trying to buy a bra has simply made me feel like I'm some sort of freak.

    So, I'm sorry I'm no help, but at least know that you are not alone.

  • You are not the only 39 year old plus sized lady in the community (though I refuse to think of myself as old). I like that the article gives practical tips that I find to be true. My other pet peeve with bras on a more padded figure is that setimes the bands try to cut in with the very bottom edge (into a chub roll that lives right at my underbust) which can be painful as the band turns a bit more horizontal at the edge- I find that is worse in firm feeling bands/bands with a more rigid or thick elastic at the bottom (like freya sportsbra and parfait Charlotte). Also boning on the sides exacerbates this, on me so I have to avoid it.

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