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Online Shopping » All bra adventures


Online Shopping

If you are so inclined to share.. where do you shop online for bras?

Being in Canada, I love and their everyday no minimum free shipping.

I would like to check out some more... just so many to choose from!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Aug 12, 2014 Flag this


  • Now that I have really nailed down my shape I can safely get away with ebay. At the moment I'm still in size denial so I have been afraid of buying online. That said I'm still a huge fan of amazon, asos, etc. I would say I use asos a lot more than everywhere else.

  • I just ordered from Asos! Free shipping will always get me.

    Some of the bras seem way overpriced, and others spot on.

    I have returned 90% of the bras I have bought from stores online.

    I wish I was able to try on some bras before I buy them. There is just NO WHERE within 5 hours that has those kind of sizes.

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