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Aug 12, 2014 » All bra adventures

Aug 12, 2014

If a bra fits well but there's slight gaping where the cup attaches to the strap, what could be the cause of that? I'm sure there could be multiple reasons but not sure what they are so any idea would be great so I can start trying to pinpoint the issue. Also, do you consider a bra that fits, perhaps even gives slight quadboob but gaps when you are lying down - do you consider that normal or a bad fit? Thanks :)

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Aug 12, 2014 Flag this


  • I have this with every bra I've ever worn because of short roots. I'm basically pretty flat at the top of my chest, and my breast tissue starts several inches down under my collarbone. So basically the straps gape across the flat part up over my shoulders. I think this is part of the reason I find bra straps so painful -- I've wondered if it puts extra pressure on my shoulders. I don't know if there's a way to fix this, but I'd love to hear about it if anyone has ever had success with that.

  • I get this with a lot of bras, too, when the cups are too tall. I don't usually consider it a fitting issue unless the cups are really, really tall on me.

    I think it's perfectly normal to have a bra fit differently when lying down. Gravity can change things when you're at a different angle!

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