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3-4 hook back closure cheap? » All bra adventures

3-4 hook back closure cheap?

So, I think we've been discussing alterations before, and I know some have used extenders and cut them open, but though it might be useful I would prefer not doing it. I know that there is quite a bit of online stores around that carries bra closures, but, I would prefer not to have to pay the £1-£1.5 plus postage each. As it's easy to get 5 extenders for that same price, does anyone know any cheap place to buy closures? Big pack doesn't matter, I both need it for fixing bras (the closure on my PL Black is sort of in pieces, despite the back being too loose) and for sewing (nightwear with proper support) so I can definitly buy many at the same time.

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Shared on Jan 12, 2013 Flag this


  • I have been wondering about this type of thing myself, as I'm about to embark on Project: Band Alterations ;)

    What I've found is that it seems like the cheapest way to do this is to just buy "hook and eye tape" and cut and finish the edges to whatever size you need. It seems like this shouldn't be *that* hard to do, especially for someone with lots of sewing experience. (I have less, but I'm working on it.) I actually found a US website that sells some with 3 "columns" of eyes, so I wouldn't need to do the sewing strip to strip myself, but I'm sure you could, if necessary.

    What's stupid is this is *still* more expensive than buying the multipacks of extenders from China/HK on Ebay. However it seems to be cheaper than buying pre-sewn closures. (Oh the weirdness of current global economic realities . . .)

    I don't know specific websites for buying in Europe, though, as I've really only looked at US sites.

  • Some European sources, in no particular order: has a reasonable selection both of 'ready made' closures and continuous multi-row hook and eye tape, see BH-Verschlüsse and Korsagezubehör. As I haven't ordered from them (yet) I don't know about their shipping costs though. also carries some, see Kurzwaren/Notions > BH-Verschlüsse/Bra Closures, though they don't have as much choice as the others I listed in this post. is having a closing down sale: at the moment everything at 20% discount. I haven't ordered from them (yet) so I can't say anything about their shipping costs, but they seem to have a very good selection, see Lingerie/Miederwaren > Bra closures/BH-Verschlüsse/BH sluitingen ... too bad they are discontinuing their business! a.k.a. Sewing Chest has a good selection too, see Bra & Lingerie Making > Bra Back Fasteners. I've only ordered from them once, but I recall shipping was reasonable.

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