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Dear FB » All bra adventures


Dear FB

Now Facebook tell me "here you are, isn't it what you want to see?"
then I clicked it. FB knows me so well. Sometimes It's bit creepy.

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Jan 08, 2015 Flag this

  • You do know they taget commercial basen on your overall internet habits, right? It's free for you because they can sell your information to compaiere and advertisememt, so in fact it's not free at all.

  • I've been refusing to log in to my Facebook account for so long that it no longer sends me reminders that I have notifications/messages/whatever to deal with on there. It's easily been a year or more since I've logged in there and I doubt that's going to change any time soon - it all started with a few friend requests that came from people that I'd intentionally quit talking to years ago, and realizing that anyone who I would want to talk to would be able to call me or email to my primary email address because they'd know those two bits of info! Plus my mom, cousins, aunts and uncles are all on there so hopefully none of the notifications are about my being tagged in someone else's pictures making profane hand gestures.

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