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Sale snatches » All bra adventures


Sale snatches

I just ordered two great bargains:
36D - Boccara » Barberry Peek-a-boo (9011)
65J - Boccara » Coralina (4512)
(the first one is completely off-sized, I will alter it)
Both costed me $2 each (talk about clearance sale, lol) and I will see how will they fit me. Boccara is a Polish brand exclusive to website, so I am happy to be able to try these out. If they won't fit I will list them here for the price of shipping :)
(also, how do I categorise a cupless bra? Barberry has underwires, so it's not a soft bra, but it has no cups, so it's not a regular bra...)

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Feb 06, 2015 Flag this

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