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Shipped! » All bra adventures



I received notice from Wellfitting that my Comexim bra shipped today.
Let's see, so I ordered ten days ago, today it shipped, hopefully soonish it arrives! (Though I'm starting to feel certain it will be too small. Oh well; I'll try again.)


Filed under Bra news

Shared on Feb 17, 2015 Flag this


  • Jealous! My EM order is 9 days out and still awaiting material. But i got a call from Decent Exposures w a question because they were about to start cutting my bra-shirt. I really need that, cuz i'm having random nerve pain, and i ordered this for yoga . . . which I really need to get back to!

  • Yay! I hope it works for you! :D

    It might be a couple days too soon just yet. It generally takes about 2 weeks to get anything shipped from Wellfitting, but the crazy winter weather happening may delay that. You should have received tracking, though!

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