I wear about a UK 36F/FF or 34GG depending on the brand and my weight at the time. I wear about a size 14 in clothing and have a bit of pudge in the tummy and thighs but not a large bum. Anyways, I was just wondering if you have any suggestions on swimsuits? Right now the closest I have that fits me is a tankini from Swim Suits for All which smooshes my boobs but is like a tank top and was super cheap. I attached the pictures of what I already own. Thanks!
Black Boy Short
http://swimwearlux.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/z_2976SH2478.jpg there is the top https://www.swimsuitsforall.com/customer/order_detail.php?order_id=140901-BITSR there is the bottom
Filed under Bras ups and downs
For me this is based on what bras work (mostly). Like, I can't wear panache bras, so their swimwear also sucks for me. I can wear Freya and Fantasie bras, so their swimwear is more likely to work. The exception for me as been Curvy Kate. Can't wear their bras, but like their tankinis. I generally will pick something in my size from some old season (b/c, clearance is cheaper, and I'm more concerned with fit than color, honestly) and pair with a solid black bottom. My complete lack of butt makes one pieces sadly impossible, but bra sized swim just feels SO MUCH better on top. I can't get a non-bra sized top to work for me, and anything that fits my butt off the rack I'm bursting out of on top, anything that fits my bust is way too big on bottom. Can't be helped, unfortunately.
Although, in your size range, you have elomi as an option. What's nice there is that they do swim separates. They have the swim bra, and then the tankini is a separate that goes over the top, so you can feasibly wear the same tankini as you change sizes, and just have whatever cheap bikini top you can find in your bra size that fits underneath.