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The Great Boob Bust-Out » All bra adventures


The Great Boob Bust-Out

Well. I guess it's a good thing that my first properly sized bra is on it's way, because today is already a boob disaster. I'm making do with my current 42D Cacique Plunge T-Shirt bras, but I've been doing the scoop and swoop, now that I know how. The problem with this is that it's much more obvious that I'm popping out all over the place. I've been hiding this fact by wearing a thermal shirt under my uniform t-shirt, because it's still pretty cold in my part of the US. But that can only hide so much...

Today, this strategy failed. We had a manager from another store visiting my department in the store, and I had to do a bit of bending and he was STANDING RIGHT THERE, so I couldn't do the post-bend adjusting I need to with a badly fitting bra, and spent like 20 mins trying to keep my back to him so he wouldn't notice my MASSIVE QUADBOOB.


When does my bra get here?

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Mar 09, 2015 Flag this


  • Oh no! This may or may not help, but if you've got a regular small/med/large size sports bra, throw that on overtop. It should help contain you until you get your new bra

  • what did you order?

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