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A Charlotte by any other name? » All bra adventures

A Charlotte by any other name?

Looks like a dupe to me. Maybe the fit would work better for those who can wear it?

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Mar 27, 2015 Flag this


  • yep, i noticed this exact thing the other day, i was on and saw the Boudoir line and stumbled across this as well. i've notice this for other bras in other lines as well.
    i wonder how the quality would be?

  • I didn't try that style but the three I did try from that brand run incredibly small. I vary from F/FF depending on the bra, and these in an F fit me more like a DD. Not good. The quality seemed about on par, maybe a bit low, for what Playtex brands typically offer. Basically -- don't bother.

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