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The new EM's » All bra adventures


The new EM's

Can we just take a moment to talk about the new EM's?
I love every single one of them (unfortunately my wallet doesn't) but especially the pink/red one. It's so incredibly bold and vibrant! And the little hearts! I'm definately going to get it, I just hope thay'll answer my email in time before the reduction expires because I need it in 60 band... I don't know how much I'd use a babydoll, but it's very tempting to get that one as well, it just looks like so much fun!

Does anyone know if you can put a sister size in the cart and then write the size you want in the comments or do you have to do it by mail?

Which one of the new styles is your favourite?

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Mar 29, 2015 Flag this


  • I thought u always had to email her first because it costs 20pln more it does say contact us on her website. And I think I heard someone say before they wanted to order a custom size durning a sale and she got back to her after the sale ended but still honored it... But I forget I could be wrong.

    My poor wallet can join yours! My cart is quite big atm xD about 300 almost i either need to take some bras out or go make my significant other very happy so he doesn't mind helping haha xD!

  • Ohmyboobies that's a lot of bras then! (Or did you mean 300zl?) I hope your SO helps you out!

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