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Apr 06, 2015 » All bra adventures


Apr 06, 2015

Anyone seen this blog entry by the Lingerie Addict? if so what is your opinion.

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Apr 06, 2015 Flag this


  • Seems a bit harsh. the price is lower than what I pay for other bras that fit me. I had a prompt response with fitting advice and also with shipping info.

  • I'm curious to know whether it is actually ILLEGAL for them to charge VAT. I know if you buy when you are physically in Europe, they usually have to charge you VAT and then it is your problem to get VAT reimbursed. Any European business tax specialists out there lol?

    ETA Never mind I see they already changed that. Guess they didn't check that carefully enough before posting, oops! It is definitely not true that ALL Euro businesses remove VAT automatically though.

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