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Got my exchange! » All bra adventures


Got my exchange!

When I last posted (...a month ago?), I had gotten my 65J - Comexim » Basic (170), but unfortunately the cups were just a bit too small. So I sent it off to exchange it for a 65K. I was getting a little nervous because tracking had said that they received it just a few days after I sent it, but I hadn't gotten a confirmation email or anything. I thought in another week I would email them, just to check in, but I wasn't going to worry about it considering how long it took to get the first bra. Well, colour me surprised, I got the 65K - Comexim » Basic (170) today! I just tried it on and filled out all the information on here, and so far, so good! No more quadboob, but still has many of the features I was excited about with the 65J. I'm looking forward to giving it a full day's test run. (Though of course if I still like it after that, I'm afraid I'll have to order more Comexim bras in more colours.. :) )

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Apr 20, 2015 Flag this

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