Hooray I just ordered my final Curvy Kate bra!
Over the last nine months I have been ordering, trying, and returning various Curvy Kate bras. I simply like the brand's aesthetic on most of its designs. I have now gotten to a place where I know what fits me (the Desire), what doesn't (most other styles), what sorta fits (Flaunt/Roxie), and what fits but isn't comfortable (the Soda Pop). I have ordered one final Curvy Kate bra before I take a giant break from Curvy Kate and it's due to arrive on May 15th-16th. After this bra I will probably take a short break from ordering and reviewing bras. After the break, I plan on doing a massive order and review series on Cleo bras later this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed my ongoing journey in the bra fitting community; it has been a lot of fun (and a tiny bit frustrating at times).
Filed under Bras ups and downs