Shape/Ethnicity Survey Update -- Minority data needed!
Link to survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kxyE9dw4sHv4bf9obz0TyAblLRMNXiJNsHNHB-NyXqk/viewform?usp=send_form
I made a post here last week about my survey for my statistics class, trying to identify a correlation between common breast shapes and ethnicities.
here is a link to my extended update post about it on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/35nts2/shapeethnicity_survey_update_minority_data_needed/
In short, I am really in need of minority (non-Caucasian) respondents, as I do not want to lessen the scope of the project. I want the results to be applicable to many people, but need more responses to be able to do as such!
Here is a pie chart of the number of responses I have of each race right now: http://puu.sh/hK3Bz/cbce97db74.png
So please, if you have a minute or two, please consider taking this survey! I am not recording any further information like emails or IP addresses--I only have access to what is entered on the form, and the time you submitted it.
Thank you!!
Impact of Ethnicity on Breast Shapes (Responses) - Google...
Filed under Bra sizing and fit
As a minority that took your survey(and has more than one ethnicity) i have to say that the users on reddit are being a bit hard on you, your question asking what ethnicity you MOST identify with is fine. There are MANY cultural/ethnic differences and there is no way you could have listed all of them.
And I am looking foward to seeing the results.