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Bending the underwire at the gore? » All bra adventures


Bending the underwire at the gore?

I've read from various people here that they bend their underwire out at the gore so that it doesn't stab them in the sternum. I'm wondering where to do the bending at?

I've got one or two bras that seem to be the right band size, cups fit well, but by the end of the day the underwire is poking in so much at the gore that I'm in pain! It was poking in at the top, so I tried to bend it out at the bottom of the gore, but now there's a lot of pressure at the bottom! Do you bend out from further out in the cups?

Just looking for a bit of advice before I bend this one all out of shape!

Filed under Bra alterations

Shared on Jun 21, 2015 Flag this


  • I bend them just before where the wires start to be parallel. This seems to work on my Marcie clones, anyway. Good luck!

    Edited: about an inch below the top of the gore on my Marcies. YMMV with other bras.

  • I bent the gore out right where it started to touch my sternum on my (yet to be added to bratabase) Juna, which was about a half inch from the top of the gore at the center. Didn't need much of a bend to alleviate the end of the day pain; I was worried about altering the cup fit by making too drastic an adjustment.

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