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Are all the bra retailers on crack these days? » All bra adventures


Are all the bra retailers on crack these days?

After reading about the woes of Bratabasers dealing with the (previously reliable) Wellfitting, I have my own tale of the bizarre! The French discounter where I get Empreinte bras flaked out on me for almost 2 weeks after my last order (no news, no updates, no shipping, no response to multiple emails) and only shipped my stuff after I opened a PayPal claim against them. They now use the Colissimo mailing option (which I H.A.T.E) so it took another 2 weeks instead of the 5-7 days it used to take. And when I open the package, lo and behold, while 2 of the 3 items were correct, my long-shot Chantal Thomass bra was not there--they had replaced it with the latest model of Empreinte in my size! I mean... it's cute, it fits, it would have been the same price anyway and I will use it, but WTF guys?

They are being way too French for me. lol

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Jun 27, 2015 Flag this


  • LOL yeah, i was thinking they take a lot more vacations there - gotta stop thinking US time frames. Way too french . . .hah

  • I know the substitution was totally on purpose too because it was the right size and they picked a style that would fit me too. It's just so crazy they wouldn't contact me to say, IDK, whatever they were thinking--be it "hey girl Chantal Thomass runs way too small, it's never gonna fit you, how about this instead" or just "so sorry we don't have the Thomass in stock after all, would you accept a substitution" or just... something? lol!

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