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EM total vs Paypal total » All bra adventures

EM total vs Paypal total

Can someone good with math help me please? I know Paypal charges a foreign transaction fee. But there is no way this can be due to that! The amount i was charged by Paypal was significantly more than the total on EMs site! This happened with my last order as well and EM eventually came back and refunded me some which i never found out why because, well, money came back that was enough to be happy about! :)

So my total on EMs site (including delivery) is 373pln. When i paid on Paypal, it said 420.62pln. Thats a 47.62pln difference! Im under the impression the Paypal foreign transaction fee is 2.3 or 2.5% or something. Thats obviously a lot more than 2.5% extra that i paid though! So how and why does the price grow so much compared to EMs site?!

Last time my total on EMs site (including delivery) was 304pln but Paypal had me pay 342.81pln. EM came back a few days later and refunded me 20.57pln.

Im so confused! Help me o.O

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jul 17, 2015 Flag this


  • Okay part of the problem, EM charges you 6% to pay with Paypal?! OMG why didnt i know this before?! I never pay this much attention! But still thats not explaining the whole extra charges! :(

  • I've never noticed any amounts ever being different between purchase price and payment price. have you tried contacting them and asking them to clarify what the difference is?

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