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Mar 08, 2013- leaving the date on... because I think I may be preggo » All bra adventures


Mar 08, 2013- leaving the date on... because I think I may be preggo

So, just took a test, and it's positive XD Will still wait on my period, but with all the symptoms going on, doubtful it'll arrive. I plan on taking the test again maybe in a few days, but meh.

With that, dear ladies (and yes, ladies, sorry to exclude the gents) is there anything I should know about what will happen to my boobs, and bras, and stuff?

Any extra advice will be nice.

Noob I'm hoping the Ewa Michalak you're considering fits you wonderfully because it may or may not fit me by the time you get it! XD And also just because it would be amazing to own one and I'm excited for your boobs :D (doesn't sound right, hope message conveys)

Edit: This also explains why boobs are like, a cup bigger even with so much weight loss XD

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Shared on Mar 08, 2013 Flag this


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