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A bunch of questions in one post so as not to clog the Adventure Board. :) » All bra adventures


A bunch of questions in one post so as not to clog the Adventure Board. :)

Okay, I apologize for how random these are going to seem, but I've been mulling over various things and just want to get them out there. Would love input.

1) Okay, so as some of you know, I ordered four Ewa bras at the end of January. I am still waiting for them to arrive. In the meantime, I have purchased a plethora of bras that don't really fit in one way or another. I've altered a few, which has created new and different problems... In any case, at this point, I don't have a single bra that fits, as the ones that fit initially only did so on the tightest hook and with the straps as tight as possible, and now they have stretched (Et tu, Dotty Spot?). So. This actually has a few sub-questions.
a - Should I go back into my reviews and re-review now that they have stretched? Re-measure? Change my answers about fit?
b - Because 28K is so hard to find, I sister-size (hence the need for alterations, especially since I've lost weight). So really, maybe I shouldn't be reviewing anything or saying whether it fits, as I get it KNOWING it's probably not going to fit immediately. Am I misleading people somehow? Ugh, issues.
c - I haven't altered most of the bras yet, and the main reason is that I am hoping once my custom Ewas come, I will love them so much that I will just want to sell all my old bras rather than trying to make them fit when they clearly don't want to. I am also really hoping I will be able to try braologie 's bras soon (waiting on a body and posture analysis and hopefully a positive answer on whether they can make something for me). If you were going to buy a bra, would you be willing to buy it if it had been altered? I could ostensibly take the stitches out for people who want the original size, but perhaps that would be undesirable? I am going crazy with no fitting bras in the meantime...
d - (Small rant.) Why is it so hard to find bras that fit? Why is my ribcage so damn small when I am not that small overall? Where are all the 28K bras? Why are all wires so wide that they wrap around my ribcage? Why are the sides of the cup so far back that they practically amputate my arms when I finally manage to tighten the straps enough? (Nesoa apparently knows how to do alterations to fix this, but I am a sewing noob and don't understand anything.) Why are all gores spaced so that my boobs eclipse my armpits? Seriously, bra shopping makes me feel like a mutant or something.

2) How many of you have tried Braologie's body shaping stuff? Not just the bras, but all the other stuff. It looks fabulous, but I am too broke to take any risks on stuff like that now... I am tempted anyway, but... Man. Bills.

3) Would it be appropriate for me to post here with some questions about what people might like to see in a new blog? I have some questions about content, appearance, etc., and I would love to get input from the community. I don't want to seem to self-promotey, though, so I could even make an adventure with the questions but not link to it or something...? I just genuinely want the blog to be awesome and helpful. Some of you will recognize this from the Clothing for Boobs community on FB. :) Hi there. Anyway, yeah, it would mostly be content-related, and also in search of feedback on how I can make the best comparison system for things between and within brands, etc.

4) Now that the Bratabase shipping help is no more, are those of you who have bras listed including postage in your prices? Or charging based on location? Or just paying for it yourselves? I'm unsure of what I want to do.

Thanks so much! So much more to post about soon...

P.S. I'm really loving all the recent discussion about things on here! Thank you all for being awesome. I learn something every time I log on.

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Shared on Mar 11, 2013 Flag this


  • 1a) it is not necessary to re-measure if they have stretched, best hack you could do is add it as a separate bra and add new numbers if they have varied.

    If your profile measurements have changed, then it will be useful to enter new fit information for your bras.

    1b) It helps the system to tell report how a bra that doesn't fit doesn't fit, by a little of by a lot, the computer doesn't know and telling it that is always helpful.
    In your review you can always indicate that you got such bra because you could not find anything in the size you wanted.
    And, if you've altered the band of your bras, now there's a field on the bra measurements page to indicate that you've modified it so the site knows what to do or not to do with it.

    1c) Couldn't tell but from what I've seen there will be some people willing to. Have you seen the Rixie clip? Could be an option not to have to modify your bras until you know better.

    1d) :(

    2) As you probably know many have ordered their bras, probably wait a bit for the reviews coming?

    3) I'm cool with it, others have done so

    4) The way it is working now is like regular sales online, the buyer takes care of the shipping costs, but you have to find out how much it is,


  • About what you should be adding:

    All information you add that are honest is useful. Reviewing bras that doesn't is very useful as well, as long as it is clear that it doesn't fit and why. When it comes to bras stretching, well, you should remeasure yourself every couple of months anyway so just set the new fit... When it comes to the actual bra I would rather just state in in the review. Currently there is no support for "historical measurements for bras", though in cases like this it might be needed...

    When it comes to "why is it so hard", well, the problem is called grading mainly, but also that larger sizes (here in the cup) means a greater span of variation. Most brands doesn't grade their patterns properly. Ewa Michalak certainly doesn't (28JJs identical to 38Gs in the cups, including strap placement). In reality a 28JJ should probably not even be based on a pattern of a 38G, it should be made from a quite different pattern with different proportions.

    One of the things, about the wide center gore, is about not changing the way the center gore is designed when the wire width increases. In reality, the center of the breast remains the same, no matter if you're an A-cup or a K-cup. Because of that the "deepest part" of the wire should be at the same place. When the wires go bigger, at some point the "crash" in the center and they will be put further and further apart so that they don't cross over. What instead needs to be done is to first change center gore so that it is as narrow as possible at the ottom so that the wires are as close as possible. When that isn't enough we first of all need "mono-wires", wires that lie on top of each other at the center gore and when that doesn't work we do need lower center gores...

    At the same time we actually need a different wire shape. Sure, we do need wider wires in a bigger cup size, but where the wire is the "deepest should still remain in the same place. It should no longer be half circle, it needs to allow more space in the front of the body. And here we have a manufacturer problem... I haven't seen any such wires on the market, and if they are not here, how are they supposed to be used...

    So, in general the problem is that no one makes bras for J+ sizes. Those that see that there is a market just makes the band smaller of a sister size.

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