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Freya, Fantasie and Curvy Kate on Zulily » All bra adventures


Freya, Fantasie and Curvy Kate on Zulily

I need to quite logging into Zulily or reading their emails. Now they not only have Curvy Kate, but they have Freya and Fantasies too. There are also some Cleo and Parfait left in limited sizes. I really want some of the Freyas, some are really good prices others are just average. I need to get some referral credit built up so I don't have to spend much. Also if you want to avoid shipping costs register a card with Visa Checkout it's free and when you use it to check out on Zulily you get free shipping.

Also just added Claudette today I've never tried any of their bras, but the Sophia Icon seems to get somewhat bad reviews.

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Sep 14, 2015 Flag this

  • I understand your pain on the email thing. I used to get their daily digest but I lost so much money LOL I finally had to unsubscribe and somehow I wasn't quite as broke all the time... Imagine that!

  • I've managed to not go crazy buying anything. I bought some Parfaits when they were on there because they were under $15. Hoping the price drops on the Curvy Kates and the Freyas.

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