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Odd "side effect" of wearing a better fitting bra? » All bra adventures


Odd "side effect" of wearing a better fitting bra?

I'm curious if this has happened to anyone else. I've noticed that since I've started wearing better fitting bras I seem to sweat less in the armpits. Or at least, less sweat seems to collect there? My theory is that since I'm wearing bras that have cups that encase my whole breast (or more of it than before) instead of squishing it into my armpits, there is less flesh rubbing together and just sweating away. Perhaps the armpits can now "breathe".
Whatever the cause, I'm certainly not complaining :D

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Shared on Mar 13, 2013 Flag this


  • i do find this, but i also find that now my bra gets more sweaty because the material of the bra reaches into my armpit!

  • After starting to wear *more* correctly fitting bras (they weren't correct at all, I have realized, but they were closer to fitting correctly than what I had worn before), I found that my bras got a lot sweattier in the armpits and I also found that I sweat a lot more in general wearing my bras. I don't think it was because I myself got sweatier just like that haha, I think that the cups came closer to my armpits due to the band fitting snugger and the fact that I became aware of swooping and scooping. The issue for me is that the cups cover more of my body than I need them to; the wires are too wide for me, and on top of that the straps are set too far out for me. ---> Close-fitting fabric near my armpits---> sweating more.

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