Fit Ratio
On Bratabase we can all see how many bras we have vs how many actually fit. My 'Fit Ratio' is 2.5. That is to say, I have to buy 2.5 bras for every 1 that fits me. I feel glad that I have a 40% success rate when it comes to buying bras. What is your bra ratio and how do you feel about this?
Bras added by Saskia_C | Bratabase
Bratabase: Bra database where you can compare bras and see how they'll fit you.
Filed under Bratabase
My profile says 16/35, which seems decent, but it's counting bras that "fit" back when my size was different and my fit standards were much lower. I'm not sure I've ever actually had a bra that really technically fits. Even my best fitting custom Comexim bras aren't perfect.
14/178. Oh well...
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