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I don't know why » All bra adventures


I don't know why

I know I already have a large breast but I wanna have a breast implant like a FOB type with a little bit of pointy nipples
why would I think like this? Hmm.....

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Sep 28, 2015 Flag this


  • get pregnant - your boobs will grow! well, some day anyways

  • Music videos, magazines, video games, tv shows, fashion billboards, celebrity gossip sites, instagram, etc.

    When a certain look is being touted as "the ideal", it's normal to want to aspire to that. It's especially harder to ignore these pressures at a younger age when you are just figuring yourself out. Just remember that times change and what's "in" will also change. But bodies are not easy to change like your wardrobe.

    One thing I've figured out is that the desire to "fix" something about oneself is not rooted in just some physical attribute. Once that thing is "fixed" another physical feature will pop up on top of the list of things to fix. So the topic that really needs to be addressed is self perception. It sounds corny, but be happy with yourself. It's impossible to keep up with living someone else's life.

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