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EM dilema! » All bra adventures


EM dilema!

So, i want to buy em bra and i cannot choose if i should take Owoce Lesne or Klaudyna.. any suggestions? :) i wish to get both but i want as well customised wrozka and have already ordered comeximes.

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Oct 10, 2015 Flag this


  • I'm looking at the S Fuksja or the S Granatowa Pantera . .. well, no, i dont like the S Fuksja, I like the BM better, but . . . oy. i was all set on getting another S. Would love another SM too - up a cup or two . . .

  • I love my Klaudyna so much more than I loved lesne! Lesne is much more red in person than I imagined and the band runs very, very loose.

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