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Mar 18, 2013 » All bra adventures


Mar 18, 2013

I don't know if anyone else here has had negative experiences with or not, but I will NEVER buy anything from them again. Let this serve as a warning to anyone else here considering a purchase from HerRoom to try multiple bras!

I recently placed two orders for bras in varying sizes. I have done this MANY times before from other online retailers, as I'm sure many of the ladies here have. It's common practice with bras because we all know different styles can require a different band/cup size even amongst the same manufacturer! At any rate, I kept some bras that fit and returned the bras which didn't. In BOTH orders, I got an email from HerRoom informing me that at least one of the bras I returned was not new but in "previously worn" condition. That is BULLSHIT. I tried them on after being freshly showered! I didn't remove the tags. I repackaged them in the original plastic bags.

I would like to reiterate that I have never had this problem with any other online retailer, and I have purchased bras from Bare Necessities, Figleaves, and Fresh Pair. ALL of my returns of tried-on-but-unworn bras to those other places have NEVER been rejected for appearing to have been "not new" or "previously worn" condition.

The cherry on top of this crap sundae from HerRoom is that they want to CHARGE me shipping to return the "previously worn" bras to me! The other alternative is that they will donate them to Salvation Army. Yeah, I'm sure they will - and will be happy to take the tax write off for themselves.

All I can say is to avoid HerRoom at all costs. They have a VERY shoddy business going on as far as returns of bras go!

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Shared on Mar 18, 2013 Flag this


  • Good warning! That's some seriously fucked up shit... I've never heard this about HerRoom before but I've always had a bad gut feeling about them.

  • This is terrible. Sounds petty, but I would publicly shame them (ie write on their fb and tweet) and I would be talking to someone high up.

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