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Bra » Freya Active » Underwired Sports Bra (4002) » 32F » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band82.5
Band Length69.0
Stretch ratio1.2
Bust perimeter0.0
Cup width19.0
Cup depth25.5
Depth ratio1.3
Wire length30.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height0.0
Wing height0.0
Strap width2.5
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Didn't fit

Technically this bra doesn't fit properly (center gore not flat against my sternum, slight quadraboob on one side, some underarm tissue outside the cups). However, I'm not sure I wouldn't order it again in the same size. I don't think I could go down a band size (the first time I ran in this bra I could barely breathe) and I fear going up a cup size but keeping the same band just wouldn't give me the same support. Currently this encapsulation bra is giving me a combination of about 70% encapsulation and 30% compression, and that's great. I've been running much more since I got this bra- to minimize bounce with my previous sports bras I tended to keep my arms as close as possible to my body while running, which resulted in neck and shoulder pain. Now I can count on the bra to minimize bounce, so I move my arms freely.

Other issues:
I wouldn't like this shape for everyday wear, but as a sports bra the shape is absolutely fine.
It doesn't feel too soaked in sweat when I take it off, and after I wash it it dries quickly.

Update: after ~2.5 months I needed to switch to the second hook and tighten the straps. In an average week I wear the bra for 1 running workout (consisting of 20-30 minutes actual running and the balance of the hour stretching or doing strength exercises), one individual run (~20 minutes), and 1 ballet class (~1 hour 15 minutes). (The first month and a half the ballet was replaced with a third run). Next time I'll probably go for a 30 band, and cut off the hooks and eyes from this one to sew an extender to get me through the first couple of workouts. Side note: during ballet I love watching my breasts in the mirror while I jump and seeing how amazingly still they stay!

Update- Another 3 months (5.5 total) and I'm on the third set of hooks&eyes. I'll update when I get to the fourth set.

Updated on Mar 12, 2013 Flag this

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