A plain but pretty bra https://d28qt14g3opchh.cloudfront.net/smileys/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" /> A great basic! Unfortunately this was my first foray into Ewa Michalak and my sizing was a bit off. The band, although quite tight at first, stretched out pretty quickly and now I can comfortably pull it ~2" from my back with ease (it looks too tight in the photos, but it's just because I have a weird shaped stomach and am a big squishy https://d28qt14g3opchh.cloudfront.net/smileys/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" /> ). The cups are too small, I'm not sure how many cup sizes though. I think two. It obviously affects the shape from the side, because I don't get that great, round, uplifted shape that most do in Ewa Michalak bras.