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Bra » Freya » Patsy Padded Half Cup Bra (1223) » 30FF » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band87.6
Band Length66.0
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width13.0
Cup depth25.4
Depth ratio2.0
Wire length26.7
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height5.7
Wing height8.9
Strap width1.9
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Didn't fit

I'm slightly conflicted about this bra. Fit-wise, it's pretty good. It fits my smaller side just about perfectly and gives only a small amount of quad-boob on my larger side. Not enough to go up a cup size. The cups are definitely shallower than other Freya bras that I've tried, which is great for me. The biggest problem with the fit is the generous length of the band, which I intend to fix (or attempt to fix) with a rixie clip or some other method of band-tightening. Comfort-wise, band length is the only issue.

What I find odd about this bra is the fabric that covers the cups. It's certainly pretty enough (I love the pale green with white spots), but it seems to pucker, pull, and poof up, away from the underlying cup material, for no reason at all. It certainly doesn't give the bra the sort of nice, smooth surface that you'd expect. I'm not sure yet how obvious it'll be under different shirts, but I can't help thinking that Freya could have done a bit better by this lovely bra. Still, I really do love the appearance otherwise. I will be keeping this one and hopefully tightening up the band.

Updated on Feb 25, 2013 Flag this

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Fit information

On Aug 2012

Strap separation:
Not a problem
Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)
Band fit:
The back of the bra is not at the same level as the front (rides up)

This bra didn't fit her, but these did