Bra » Cleo » Lucy Balconnet Bra (5851) » 28F » Bras » Owner
Measurement | Cm |
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Fits ribcage | 0.0 |
B. perimeter | 0.0 |
Stretched Band | 71.1 |
Band Length | 56.2 |
Stretch ratio | 1.3 |
Cup width | 12.7 |
Cup depth | 22.2 |
Depth ratio | 1.8 |
Wire length | 22.5 |
Cup height | 0.0 |
Cup separation | 2.5 |
Gore height | 5.7 |
Wing height | 8.9 |
Strap width | 1.6 |
Hooks | 2 |
Labeled as
Index | 28:7 |
EU | 60F |
UK | 28F |
FR | 75F |
AUS | 6F |
US | 28F |
This is another really pretty Cleo bra. The purple is fantastic and it is dark enought that it doesn't stand out that much against my skin so I can wear it under light tops. It fits better than my other bras other than my Marcie and the only complaint I really have is that as I move around the gore torques and one wire will lift off of my sternum. I am guessing it is because there is no band at the bottom.
Updated on Jun 11, 2013 Flag this