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Bra » Curvy Kate » Fleurty Balcony Bra (SG1301) » 30E » Bras » Owner


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Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height0.0
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Didn't fit

This is probably my favorite bra ever. Back before I got pregnant, my boobs were too small to fit into Curvy Kate's size range (or at least I thought they were, I was definitely wearing the wrong size back then!) I had seen this bra and thought it was the prettiest bra I'd ever seen, and I wanted it badly.

When I got pregnant, my boobs got bigger, but I was still wearing the wrong size. I'd known since I was 14 that I was wearing the wrong size and that my underwires were resting on my breasts, but I didn't think there were bras that came in a size that actually fit me, so I never sought them out. Then I started breastfeeding and it became vitally important to find underwires that did not rest on my breast tissue (otherwise you get mastitis, an infection of the milk ducts inside your breast). That's when I finally discovered that I was in the D+ range and started finding bras that at least fit a little better.

As soon as I found out that I could fit into their size range, I jumped on buying a Fleurty. At that point it was discontinued, so it was a bit of a pain to find, but I had to have my dream bra! Fortunately, once it arrived, Fleurty and I were meant for each other. The size was right, the wires were wide enough (which is next to impossible for me to find), the cut was appropriate for my all just worked out for me.

Ok, so most of that isn't a an actual review of the bra, but I thought I should give a bit of a disclaimer about how I'm pretty biased when it comes to this bra. Anyway, actual review-y stuff!

The wires are not just wide, they're very wide, which is great for me, but not great for everyone. It's a balconette shape, which means the wires in the center gore come up high, which works fine for me, but again, is not for everyone. Not only is it a balconette shape, but it's sort of unusual in that it's a very tall balconette. The other bras in the Curvy Kate Showgirl range, such as the very popular Curvy Kate Tease Me [showgirl Collection] (SG2001) are a similar cut but the cups on the Tease Me are much shorter. Those are way more popular than Fleurty ever was, but the cups are too short for me and do not cover my nipples, so Fleurty's taller cups are perfect as far as I'm concerned. If you have breasts that have all their fullness in the bottom and no fullness on top, Fleurty will probably be too tall for you.

A lot of the Showgirl models had problems with bands either being too big or too small, but Fleurty seems pretty appropriately sized. The straps are a bit on the wider side, which I find more comfortable than the thinner straps that you find on Cleo bras, for example. My only real complaint about this bra is that the straps are slightly too widely spaced for me, but that's a chronic problem for me.

Updated on Jun 26, 2014 Flag this

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Fit information

On Jun 2013

Center gore comfort:
Underwires dig into sternum, because they are too high
Strap separation:
Are too far apart

She hasn't added any bras that fit her correctly.