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Bra » Curvy Kate » Jewel Balcony Bra (CK3401) » 38F » Bras » Owner


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Cup width0.0
Cup depth0.0
Depth ratio0.0
Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
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Didn't fit

I would purchase this in a smaller band and larger cup size if I bought again (I'm usually 36GG), as even though the centre of the bra sticks to my sternum much better than most bras I've worn, the cups are too small for my breasts. But at 15 pounds, versus much more locally in Canada!
The bra also pushes my breasts quite forward - the lower material forming the sling is quite strong!! It makes them look a lot perkier than they actually are!

There is a bit of a line where the lower part of the cup ends and the upper lace starts, where the flesh bulges a bit, but this isn't noticeable under thicker clothing (but has been noticeable under a tank top AND thin sweater).

I haven't worn this more than half a dozen times, but I have noticed that the embroidery is looking a touch worn on the top of the cup. This is despite hand washing! And now after some more wear, there are some threads coming out at the bottom of the outside of the cup, like the threads from construction were not all captured in the cradle seam allowance.

Violet/Topaz colorway

Updated on Dec 31, 2015 Flag this

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Fit information

On Sep 2015

I knew this didn't fit perfectly when I bought it, but it was such a great deal! The top of the cup isn't a dramatic quadraboob effect. The band is larger than my usual 36, so my boobs actually creep out the bottom a bit, which minimizes the quadraboob as well. The quadraboob really only shows when I am purposefully placing my breast in the bra "perfectly" - when wearing around, the cup shifts a bit and a bit of flesh sticks out the bottom and the top is just fine. It's weird that the bra band doesn't ride up the back, but still allows enough space for the flesh to drop out the bottom.

Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)
Band fit:
Can comfortably fit two fingers underneath, but not a whole hand and/or stays in place with wear

She hasn't added any bras that fit her correctly.