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Bra » Ewa Michalak » Sm Różowa Mgiełka (685) » 70E » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band75.0
Band Length60.5
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width12.7
Cup depth21.0
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length23.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height5.0
Wing height10.0
Strap width1.5
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Its been a couple of months since I'm looking to get SM that would fit me.
So today is that day. The first SM that fits me really well.. However I'm not as happy as I though I'd be.. I will start with positive aspects
The band fit amazingly! True to size 70 band. It has 3x2 hooks and eyes
The strap placement doesn't bother me at all! While I had Malinowy and wrozka and straps were too wide this ones are good and comfortable
The wires are narrow enough to meet needs of my boobs, also there very comfortable
The cup depth is perfect, very minimal wrinkling on the smaller side. The cups are little bit closed on top and for me as a fob with longer roots fit good. They're sheer so boobs are showing through
and now it's time for what I really don't like:
The shape that it gives to my boobs.. It's not rounded at all from the bottom, just lifts my boobs but don't let them to fit nicely like BMs do. This didn't happen in wrozka and malinowy, also it doesn't happen in ja wiem. I think it's because of the material that is used to make this bra.. However Comexim managed to create sheer bra with nicely rounded shape.
Also I'm not fan of this how my pale skin looks in this bra.. It works as a nude perfectly but just something makes me to feel weird in it
Btw, it looks very cute as a set with tajemniczy ogród panties - id say it looked even better than the tajemniczy bra

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Jul 28, 2016 Flag this

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  • It looks lovely, but it's a shame that you don't love the shape it gives you. How would you say the shape is different between the BM and SM?

  • So the bm gives me nice rounded like a Panache Cleo shapes but even better. This one is like rounded pointy at the nipple level , it's like from the bottom to the nipple goes almost straight with little curve only

  • even in bigger sizes I think SM runs shallow at the bottom, to push you higher.

  • 1

    I noticed the same shape in ja wiem and summer time (mine is a recent one), it's very shallow at the bottom and the shape is not as rounded as in czarna mgielka. I was wondering if it was typical to the new SM styles.

  • 1

    Well, wrozka and Malinowy gave me much better shape but they're lace not sheer. Also Ja wiem gives me better shape that I can accept. So I don't know why some gives different :/ it's weird, but I'll just get magnolia that is same colour and will fits better 👍🏻

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