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Bra » Tutti Rouge » Nichole Bra » 30H » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band91.5
Band Length63.7
Stretch ratio1.4
Cup width0.0
Cup depth30.0
Depth ratio0.0
Wire length32.2
Cup height21.0
Cup separation1.5
Gore height8.5
Wing height11.8
Strap width1.5
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This bra is great for my narrow, projected boobs. I never thought a UK brand would cater to them this well, but Nichole knocks it out of the park. It is for full-on-bottom boobs like mine, giving them more than ample space in the bottom section. Seeing my nipples below the horizontal seam of the cup was a revelation. The cups fit me spot on, with no overspill. I think that the cup runs only a half of a size big, if that -- the cups are just very DEEP. People who are not full-on-bottom and quite projected will likely have a pretty awful shape mismatch.
The wires were far too rigidly flat for my shape, but I found them to be Goldilocks wires: amply firm for support, but not so firm that I couldn't mold them perfectly to my liking. The band is a slightly big 30, but I'm always on the 30-32 threshold. I think that sizing down would have gained me a bra that was too tight.

It's also a nice Cleo stand-in, giving an amazingly round, uplifted shape. I can't wear most Cleo bras because their wires are too tall at my armpits and overly wide for me in my size, which would probably be 30H/HH for them. I love the ridiculously round shape they give, and this bra gives me that without the wire pain. Under a shirt, the sheer upper section is invisible, but the larger, more opaque bottom section is not. I am brown, so this bra is pretty high contrast on me.

This bra, like all Tutti Rouge designs, is damn pretty. I find it slightly less saccharine than their other designs, but that's because I've got an unhealthy love for pastel blues. I also cut off the center ribbon and replaced it with a less bright pearlescent button, which makes the overall design a little less sweet. The fabric has a very slight glitter to it. It reminds me of what I liked about the Tutti Rouge Sophia Bra. All the hardware is silver, and has the brand's iconic heart sliders. I'm short enough (and the straps are stretchy enough) that the sliders actually bother me a little. I have to have them right underneath my shoulders in the front, where my arm joints bend. Thy kind of poke because they're so big. Overall, though, it was extremely gratifying to find a bra that I genuinely liked and wanted right after crossing the H+ barrier in a sub-32 band.

The quality is less good than I'd like given Tutti Rouge's pricing for full price items. I've handwashed it maybe once or twice, and there are a couple loose strings at the armpit detailing.

Minty Green colorway

Updated on Oct 08, 2016 Flag this

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