Bra » Ewa Michalak » S Kamea (600) » 65GG » Bras » Owner
On Dec 2015 It fit her!
The straps are set a bit wide, which I kind of expected after hearing so much about Strapgate. Literally the only negative thing I can say about this bra! It's **so** soft, and comfy. The wires are still just a touch past my breast roots at the sides, but not enough for me to worry about. Like its previous owner, I get my best fit in it with the cookies in it, but that is a huge plus for me because now I have something to pamper my over-sensitive boobs with during shark week.
On Oct 2015 It fit her!
The straps are set a bit wide, which I kind of expected after hearing so much about Strapgate. Literally the only negative thing I can say about this bra! It's **so** soft, and comfy. The wires are still just a touch past my breast roots at the sides, but not enough for me to worry about. Like its previous owner, I get my best fit in it with the cookies in it, but that is a huge plus for me because now I have something to pamper my over-sensitive boobs with during shark week.