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Bra » Freya » Lacey Plunge Balcony Bra (4791) » 28DD » Bras » Owner


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Cup depth0.0
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Cup height0.0
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Didn't fit

I bought this one due to the pretty colour and my need of a neutral bra.
Since it's not padded I chose to go down a cup size based on previous experiences (with other brands). The cups are a bit small though and do cut in at the top. I kept it hoping it would loosen a bit with time, which it didn't, and convinced that a larger cup size would be too big.
The material is nice and soft, though with a synthetic feel to it. The quality of the lace at the bottom is not what I'd wish for.

About 1 year later I bought the Freya Icon moulded bra with roughly the same shape but 1 cup size bigger. Same problem here, it cuts into my boob along the inner edge of the plunge. Guess this style is just not for me

Updated on Feb 08, 2016 Flag this

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Fit information

On Feb 2016

This style doesn't fit my shape very well

Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)
Band fit:
I can fasten it, but it feels too tight
Cup's width:
Outer cup cuts into breast tissue in the sides

This bra didn't fit her, but these did