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Bra » Ewa Michalak » Chp Ciasteczko (356) » 65F » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band73.0
Band Length57.2
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width13.3
Cup depth22.2
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length21.9
Cup height14.0
Cup separation1.6
Gore height5.1
Wing height9.5
Strap width1.6
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*update, Fed 2016* So I washed and dried this bra (cuz it kinda smelled like cleaning chemicals when I got it, ew) and ta-da! The weird shape isn't quite as much of an issue as before! For some reason, the top edge binding was just SO tight in comparison to the cup fabric! It must have softened a tiny bit, cuz now it doesn't cut in as badly. You can't really tell under clothing. It doesn't give me the MOST projection of all the bras I fit, but it fits. I might still not buy another CHP, but it's still a usable bra.

This bra fits.... meh. Theoretically, it fits perfectly, but realistically... The top edge of the cup, the seam bindings, is tighter than the cup fabric, so it cuts a bit into my breast tissue and creates an ugly bump above my apex. (You can see in the pictures.) I have more upper fullness than lower fullness, but either: A) I don't have ENOUGH upper fullness, or, B) since I am SO empty on bottom, my apex always sits MUCH lower than the apex of bras, so I end up with a small empty space above my apex in a bra. So even though I have tall roots, I'm not that full, and more of a pointy shape, and my tissue is about medium on the firm to soft scale. Maybe if I had very round, full, and firm breasts, I would fill the top edge of the bra better and stretch the seam binding better. I haven't tried this bra with cookies or push-up pads yet, so maybe it would fit better with a bit more "firm tissue?" Also, when I slouch, it doesn't cut in and suddenly gaps. ????? What is with this bra??? Maybe the straps are too wide? You can see from the pictures that they're basically beyond my armpits and out on my arms, haha.
The projection on this bra was also extremely lacking. This bra basically just sits around my breasts and keeps the "wider than my frame" look, where I would rather prefer to have a bra that is flat enough on the sides that they push the breasts forward so that they're narrower than my frame and more projecting forward. (When I'm standing, my breasts are wide and shallow, but when leaning over, they're narrow and very projected. I want a bra to make them look like they do when leaning over!!) I know that the CH and CHP cuts aren't supposed to have a much projection as the plunges, but the wire width and cup depth fit me perfectly where I believe the plunges might be a bit too narrow for my roots. I get a LOT more projection with Comexim, and I've heard plenty of negative things about ordering through Ewa from the U.S., so while I'm sad this bra doesn't work, I'm relieved that I finally know which Polish companies work for me and which don't!" alt=":)" /> It's been a few years waiting, and now I know I should stick with Comexim. It's sad, because I reaaaaally like some of the Ewa colors, but I guess I'll just have to admire from afar! Other factors effecting the bra fit might be that it's an older used bra, so maybe the cups have been stretched out over time? I have seen other photos where CHP bras give a bit of projection, but until Comexim stops working for me, I might just leave Ewa alone for now.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Feb 24, 2016 Flag this

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Fit information

On Apr 2016 It fit her!

Not QUITE as weird fit

On Jan 2016 It fit her!

Not QUITE as weird fit

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