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Bra » Wacoal » Sport Underwire Bra (855170) » 36C » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band104.1
Band Length78.7
Stretch ratio1.3
Bust perimeter0.0
Cup width14.6
Cup depth20.3
Depth ratio1.4
Wire length27.9
Cup height17.8
Cup separation1.9
Gore height10.2
Wing height11.4
Strap width2.5
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I have been wearing this model bra consistently nearly every day for the last 3 to 4 years. As a man, it's been a huge challenge for me to find something that fits, and just by random choice, this one did it.

The underwires are on the outside of the cup, which is interesting. You might think that it would mean you don't feel them, but that's not entirely accurate. The cup lining, as you'll see in my fit pictures that will follow shortly after this post, is pretty thin, and it doesn't do much to reduce the pressure of the wire against the ribcage.

The band is rather solid, which is great. I get so frustrated with bands that make a simple rubber band seem tight. I don't mean that the band is too tight for me, as it gives just the right amount without being sloppy.

The straps are about my only complaint, but at the same time I love them. Instead of having a slider adjustment, they have large loops and hooks that slide into the loops. I normally wear it on the third loop, which means there's a sort of tail of the strap from the other unused portion just dangling. This really only presents an issue when I put it on, as the straps don't lay flat until you do some sort of contortionist move to fix them. After that, though, they're fine. I learned through the purchase of an Ambrielle clone of this bra, but it didn't have the same strap adjustment: It used a slider. About half way through the day, those straps would slide to full extent just from normal daily activity. The Wacoal straps don't do that though: They stay put.

The picture's I'm going to add were advertised as "blue". When it arrived in the mail, it was totally purple. It does come in other colors, but I tend to follow the clearance sales and usually end up with some wild colors. My most recent was actually a blue, but still closer to the purple end of the blue range on the spectrum. I've had the nude color and black in the past though.

All in all, I love this bra. The only fit complaint I have is related to my own personal needs, though. I am starting to need something with much more lower-cup support, and since this bra is a stretch cup, it doesn't meet those needs. I might stitch a woven fabric panel into them to provide that support sometime, but we'll see.

Updated on Feb 08, 2018 Flag this

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On Oct 2017 It fit her!

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