Bought from a bratabase user. The appearance is so beautiful yet the bra is very sturdy and if it fit better I can tell it would be wonderfully supportive. I love the relatively tall cups, wings, and gore; If this bra fit it would be probably my favorite bra ever. See my profile page for my measurements and breast shape info!
My fit: Band a little too big on my 26 back, I can fit my hand into it, but it's firmer than a Freya I'd say. Too open in the top of the cups for me, I gape in every position I try except standing up with good posture with my shoulders back. Too shallow in the lower cups because after a few hours I feel minor pain in my lower breast so that leads me to believe they are being pressed too hard.
If I grasp the cups and hold them against myself, the cups are filled with breast tissue, so I don't know if that means technically it's not too big, rather it's just too open up top. Straps and cups and wires are too wide: outer lower sides of cups are empty, the top of the cups painfully dig into my armpits big time, and my arms Touch the cups and push against them. Overall it was a miss but it was exciting to try my first padded/moulded/lined/whatever you call these type of cups. I may try to alter the cups to fit better.
Updated on Jun 30, 2017
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