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Bra » Freya Active » Moulded Sports Bra (4892) » 32E » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band77.0
Band Length68.5
Stretch ratio1.1
Bust perimeter0.0
Cup width17.0
Cup depth21.5
Depth ratio1.3
Wire length26.5
Cup height21.5
Cup separation1.5
Gore height11.2
Wing height10.2
Strap width2.5
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Didn't fit

Well, this is quite an odd bra. It's my first proper sports bra - I used to wear a too-small cotton wireless from Tescos when I ran, which kind of worked as a compression bra - and maybe it's just because I'm not used to sports bras, but I do find it a weird fit. It was on sale though so I went for it... It's also a size too small, an F cup might work better for me, so that explains some of the issues I experience with it - e.g. the gore doesn't tack, and the cups cut in at the top, causing minor quad boob - because they're cut pretty tall it's not to bad, but if the cups were shorter the incline would be a big problem for me

Onto general construction of the bra - the spacer foam is comfy and lightweight, but it doesn't hide my nipples, which is something to consider if you want something you can wear without a top over it. I probably will wear it on its own because life's too short, but ideally I'd like some more coverage there. The wires are extremely wide and I get a very, very east west look on this bra, and flattening of profile - it's shallow and wide basically. The wires are firm, but I don't feel like I get a lot of support from this bra - possibly because the wires are too wide? It's an encapsulation bra, but I don't feel encapsulated, if that makes sense. This is obviously partly due to the gore not tacking too - but I'm not sure if going up a cup size will help - the even wider wires would be too much of an issue. But it was cheap so it'll have to do for now!

Cherry Glow colorway

Updated on Nov 27, 2017 Flag this

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Fit information

On Oct 2017 View measurements

Too small, cups too wide, gore doesn't tack. Very east west

Center gore placement:
Doesn't lie flat against sternum
Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)
Cup's width:
There is empty fabric on the sides (Cup too wide)

This bra didn't fit her, but these did